Solar for Schools UK

How we help corporate ESG / CSR

As decarbonisation rises up the agenda, we can help you maximise your ESG budget

esg csr

ESG can make the impossible possible, especially for schools in deprived areas.

Once you've determined your carbon footprint and tackled the low-hanging fruit, getting to net-zero gets harder.

Work with us to ensure your support has the maximum impact. Beyond the carbon offset and solar installation, corporate grants can help tens of thousands of students to learn more about the global fight against climate change and how they play a vital role as custodians of the future.

Securing long-term carbon offsets

Carbon offsets can help, but not all offsets are equally valuable. Helping a school go solar by pre-purchasing the carbon offsets from their projects can help schools whose dreams of going solar would otherwise never be a reality.

The resulting annual CO2 savings are easy to measure to your credit. You pay an upfront sum for the lifetime credits from the project.

The benefits are exponential as, you'll be unlocking learning for potentially tens of thousands of students on how to tackle climate change and on how to be responsible custodians of the future.

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national grant

CASE STUDY: National Grid grant

In 2024 we launched a partnership with National Grid to bring solar to more schools and with a commitment of £2.7 million over five years. Here's how we've maximised the impact:

- The project specifically targets schools where 25% or more of the students receive free school meals, ensuring the benefits reach those in need. Over 400 schools signed up in the first two weeks.

- The initiative is expected to impact 150 schools over 5 years, with an average investment of £18,000 per school.

- This will result in six times more carbon savings than what National Grid would have achieved independently.

Supporting the UN SDGs

Our work directly supports 4 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

4 - Quality Education; we provide meaningful science and sustainability, learning based on the solar on school roofs.

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy; along with providing education, our second and third missions are to provide low cost and clean energy to as many schools as possible.

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities; we work to grow sustainable communities out from the schools' own communities; fostering an embedded and widespread approach to more sustainable practices.

13 - Climate Action; our education programme has climate action at its heart, while simultaneously we work with schools, councils and community energy groups to rapidly accelerate decarbonisation.

wendy teaching
student on SOFS

Using data to bring concepts to life

Our unique software platform tracks carbon reduction across all our schools with live data every 15 minutes. This tool not only showcases our impact, and those who support us, on reducing carbon emissions, but also allows for the creation of quick, detailed reports for stakeholders. Our education work uses this valuable data to make learning more tangible, relevant and ultimately more inspiring.

Proving our social impact

We are preparing a dynamic Social Impact Report, due for release in autumn 2024. This will showcase our contributions to social and environmental impacts and our dedication to rapidly scale, to reach net-zero across the education sector.
