Hello! My name is Ally, I am a third-year Environmental Science student from Lancaster University currently on a placement year with Solar for Schools as ‘UK Environmental Educator’.
My job as an Environmental Educator is to create lesson resources that can be used in education deliveries. I also take part in school visits, eco events and conferences to spread the word about Solar for Schools. During my placement, I have discovered I really enjoy creating marketing content, so I have been able to contribute and work with an organisational department that I have never experienced before.
My weekly tasks include: morning check-in meetings where daily priorities are set, updating our social media and the creation of educational resources. I spend one day a week working in-person with my manager and have weekly meetings with my assigned ‘buddy’. When I attend school visits, I help with the delivery of assemblies and workshops to primary and secondary school children alongside carrying out solar panel maintenance checks.
What's it like working remotely?
Pros: Working remotely gives me the flexibility to work wherever I want which is great because it means that if I want a week away, seeing my friends at uni, I can have one! Having quarterly in-person away weeks, regular online meetings, ‘buddy’ check-ins and meet-ups with my manager have meant that I have settled well into the SfS family. Plus, I’m working in the comfort of my own home and not having to commute meaning I am saving up too!
Cons: Lots of alone time at a desk can sometimes feel isolating and moving back home after being at uni feels strange and a bit like a step back. I found that joining/rejoining local groups, using joined office spaces, and meeting with friends from home, has really helped me to readjust to life ‘back home’.
My final thoughts...
Remote placements can be incredibly rewarding, offering flexibility and unique opportunities for personal and professional growth. I encourage approaching them with an open mind, as they can provide valuable experiences and connections that enrich your educational journey.
You can find out more about Ally, and all other team members in our About the Team page.